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Viva Fashion Blog

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Viva Fashion Blog

Welcome to Viva Fashion Blog! I created this blog to share some of my latest fashion finds (on a budget), the celebrity look for less, celeb interviews and the latest trends. Before my blog, I worked as a reporter covering topics such as fashion and entertainment. You can also check me out on Plum TV, where I share my latest fashion tips and trends as a Plum Daily Fashion correspondent. I currently live in Surfside, Florida with my hubby,my beagle, Scrappy and my Rottie, Bear. Thanks again for visiting Viva Fashion Blog and I thank you for your support!

Spokesperson Opportunities: Looking for a fashion or style expert? Carmen Ordonez is available for media interviews in both English and Spanish. Feel free to contact for inquiries.

Copyright Information:

All images on Viva Fashion Blog are readily available in various places on the Internet and believed to be in public domain. Images posted are believed to be posted within our rights according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code.)

Claims of Infringement:

If you believe that any content appearing on Viva Fashion Blog infringes on your copyright, please let us know at including information regarding the infringing material and it will be removed as soon as possible.


10+1 metode care te ajuta sa te simti frumoasa.
10+1 metode care te ajuta sa te simti frumoasa.

Pantofi si cizme - sezonul toamna-iarna 2010/2011
Claudia Castrase primavara vara 2010.
Ce este un Teddy Boy?
Cele mai bune sfaturi pentru sprancene perfecte
Intinereste spectaculos cu celule stem!
Horoscop Fashion - septembrie
Topul celor mai mediatizate romance din showbiz
Adelina: Acum sunt singura si indisponibila.
6 trucuri pentru a avea un ten curat
Daniela Crudu este criticata de specialisti: S-a ingrasat si are celulita!
Lady GaGa: E important să fac dragoste, nu sex!
Culorile cheie ale toamnei 2010
Ce tinuta sa purtam la botine?
Maria Gherle a câştigat Elite Model Look 2010.
Patru Mituri Despre Femei Si Exercitiile Cu Greutati
Rochia rosie, un Atu !
Shopping-ul, O Adevarata Dependenta!
Rising Stars in Fashion Design - conferinta despre pasii catre o cariera de succes in domeniu!
Nu confunda pielea uscata cu dermatita atopica!
Ridurile Si Prevenirea Lor.
Fashion editor si cum se poate ajunge la aceasta profesie.
Hainele anti-radiatii, mai eficiente decat cremele.
Manechinul Sergiu Ichim s-a făcut actor la îndemnul lui Florin Piersic.
February Fashion Brunch
Cand si cum au aparut gentile? Scurta istorie.
Cum sa devii designer vestimentar?
Bărbaţii care poartă roşu, consideraţi mai sexy de către femei
John Galliano reinventeaza Vagabondul
CHANEL- bibliografie + galerie foto